We ship packages within Germany free of charge for shopping baskets over 49 €, below we charge a 4,90 € shipping fee.
EU-Shipping overview (EU countries that can order from our shop at this time)
5,90 € to Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg
6,90 € to Czechia, Hungary
7,90 € to Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia
8,90 € to Croatia, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain
9,90 € to Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Portugal
You can find our products on Amazon or other US retailers, like Hammacher Schlemmer or Sharper Image. Amazon USA, selected items are available on --> <--
Yes. You can download your invoice from the invoice link of your order confirmation email. You will receive this order confirmation via email right after your payment.
Orders without 19% value added tax cannot be listed in our online shop. Please contact our customer support with an email to Tell us your billing and delivery address and also your order request and we will take care of this as soon as possible.
Products bought in our online shop can only be shipped within the EU. For deliveries outside the EU, please contact customer service by email at
Please track the delivery status of your order by using the package number. This package number is provided in the shipping confirmation email you receive after your purchase.
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